Since 2010, we have been immersed in the realm of supplying RFQs and Tenders to Government Departments.

In those early days, before the implementation of CSD, we relied on fax machines for all communication - from RFQs to invoices and Purchase Orders.

Our journey has been intertwined with the evolution of government processes, including the rollout of Central Supplier Database (CSD).

Over the years, we have successfully fulfilled over 10,000 orders for more than 1000 Government Departments, gaining a deep understanding of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and Government payment systems along the way.

In 2020, we made a strategic shift in focus, redirecting our efforts towards funding and assisting emerging SMMEs. This transition led us to sell our nine supplying companies, consolidating our energy to support the growth of small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Our own experiences as suppliers navigating the challenges of securing funding have equipped us with unparalleled insight into the needs of our clients. We understand the importance of low rates and have the expertise to evaluate and execute even the most complex projects.

By joining our Consortium, you will not only benefit from a well-functioning PO Funding model but also from a partnership built on mutual understanding and shared experiences.

Together, let's embark on a journey of Achieving Together.


your partner in funding.